The Colombo Plan Secretariat

Organisational Structure

Colombo Plan Organisational Structure

The principal organs of the Colombo Plan are:

The Consultative Committee

The Consultative Committee, comprises all member governments and is the highest review and policy-making body of the Colombo Plan. Its biennial meetings (CCM) provide a forum for the exchange of views on current development problems faced by the member countries and review the work of the Colombo Plan in terms of economic and social development within the region.

The Colombo Plan Council, comprises heads of diplomatic missions of member governments who are resident in Colombo, Sri Lanka. The President of the Council is nominated from among its member countries annually on an alphabetical rotational basis. The Council meets every quarterly to identify important development issues facing its members and ensure the smooth implementation of the Consultative Committee`s decisions.

The Colombo Plan Secretariat, headed by a Secretary-General is located in Colombo, Sri Lanka, since 1951 and functions as the secretariat for the Consultative Committee and the Council. The Secretariat is responsible for the effective administration and implementation of the programmes of the Colombo Plan, in partnership with member countries and collaborating agencies.