The Colombo Plan Secretariat

Consultative Committee


The Consultative Committee, comprising all Member Governments, is the apex review and deliberative body of the Colombo Plan.


The Consultative Committee’s biennial gathering: the Consultative Committee Meeting (CCM), provides a forum for leaders of the twenty-eight member countries to deliberate on the progress in economic, social, and technical co-operation since the previous CCM, and chart the trajectory of economic, social, and technical co-operation within the region for the next two years. Decisions taken at the CCM guide the work of the Colombo Plan Secretariat.

The Consultative Committee’s main tasks are to:

  • Review economic and social progress within the Colombo Plan region since the Consultative Committee last met, taking note of the various factors which have affected progress.
  • Consider the tasks which lie ahead in economic and social development; the priorities; and the best use of available resources.
  • Exchange views on technical co-operation programmes with a view to achieving efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Discuss a pre-selected special issue of general concern relating to development.
  • Review the activities of the Colombo Plan Council, the Colombo Plan Secretariat, and its Programmes.
  • Take decisions about the proceedings of the Consultative Committee itself.


The hosting of the CCM alternates among member countries every two-years. Since the inception of The Colombo Plan in 1951, a total of 47 meetings have been held with the most recent being hosted virtually in Sri Lanka in 2021.

The Colombo Plan Secretariat is pleased to announce that the 48th Consultative Committee Meeting is scheduled to take place in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia from the 29th to 31st of May 2024.

The Government of Mongolia through its Ministry of Justice and Home Affairs (MoJHA) is hosting the event.