The Colombo Plan Secretariat

The Colombo Plan marks 73 years of collaboration and impact with the launch of the Training of Trainers (ToT) on Dignified Menstruation (DM)

The ToT on DM is a collaboration between The Colombo Plan and the Global South Coalition for Dignified Menstruation (GSCDM), aimed to empower trainers to advocate for menstrual equity and freedom from discrimination across all gender identities.

Colombo, Sri Lanka, 12th July 2024: 1 July 2024 marked the 73rd anniversary of The Colombo Plan and was commemorated on 4 July 2024 with great enthusiasm at the Sheraton Hotel, Colombo. Ambassadors and dignitaries representing many member countries gathered to reaffirm commitment to regional cooperation and sustainable development.

The celebration also marked a special milestone: the launch of the Training of Trainers (ToT) on Dignified Menstruation. This five-day training, a collaboration between The Colombo Plan and the Global South Coalition for Dignified Menstruation (GSCDM). The objective of the ToT was to explore approaches to dismantling menstrual discrimination, build a movement on Dignified Menstruation (DM) and enhance the capacity of The Colombo Plan’s member countries to address the same. GSCDM defines the term “Dignified Menstruation” as an innovative and holistic approach to address all forms of menstrual discrimination beyond hygiene, sanitary products and infrastructure to achieve gender equality. 

23 individuals from 13 countries, including Nepal, India, Sri Lanka, US, UK, Sweden, South Korea, Sudan, Rwanda, France, Switzerland, the Philippines, and the Netherlands participated in the ToT on Dignified Menstruation, and also graced the anniversary celebrations of the Colombo Plan. The diverse backgrounds of the ToT delegates added a vibrant flair to the anniversary celebrations, especially as some represented non-member countries. Sharing her views, Priscilla Natukunda, representative of PSI Europe at the ToT stated, “policy frameworks and capacity building for leaders and academia are crucial moving forward, and menstrual health should be a human right.”

The ToT was conducted by Dr Radha Paudel, Founder of GSCDM which is based in Nepal: a member country of The Colombo Plan since 1952. Dr Radha Paudel is a Nepalese nurse, activist and writer, advocating towards creating awareness on issues related to women. Speaking at the 73rd anniversary celebrations, she raised concern over how global gender equality and social inclusion policies do not address discrimination related to menstruation and menopause at home, school, community, workplace and government institutions. She went on to stress on the urgency to endorse dignified menstruation in a transformative and inclusive manner across all sectors and programmes.

The Secretary-General, H.E. Dr Benjamin P. Reyes, in his opening remarks at the Anniversary celebrations stated that Colombo Plan strives to, “serve as an effective platform for the dissemination of knowledge and improved interventions aligned with the international, regional and local policies and programmes.” He also emphasized that the ToT on Dignified Menstruation is in line with Goal 5 of the SDGs which is to empower and end all forms of discrimination against all women and girls.

Over the years, The Colombo Plan has accumulated extensive experience and technical expertise, adapting its roles and functions to meet evolving social and developmental priorities. The Colombo Plan remains a catalyst for partnerships and progress, fostering enduring friendships and initiatives that transcend borders. Here’s to the next chapter of collaboration and impactful endeavours!


The Colombo Plan

The Colombo Plan for Cooperative Economic and Social Development in Asia and the Pacific, instituted in 1951 at the Commonwealth Conference on Foreign Affairs held in Colombo, Sri Lanka, is a regional inter-governmental organisation consisting of 28 member countries operating on the partnership concept of self-help and mutual help to enhance human capital development and south-south cooperation.

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The Global South Coalition for Dignified Menstruation (GSCDM)

The GSCDM is a non-profit organisation that advocates for freedom from all forms of discrimination associated with menstruation across all gender identities. Its mission is to dismantle institutional, structural, interpersonal, and social systems affecting menstruation, individuals who menstruate, and their ability to access basic human rights, critical resources to lead happy and healthy lives of dignity. Additional information may be found at | Facebook