The Colombo Plan Secretariat

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Empowering Communication For Maritime Connectivity

The first workshop of The Colombo Plan Maritime Advisory Programme (MAP), held on 29 February 2024 focused on “Empowering Communications for Maritime Connectivity”. The occasion was graced by the Secretary-General of The Colombo Plan, Dr Benjamin P. Reyes, Mr Dustin Bickel, U.S. Regional Indo-Pacific Strategy Coordinator, Mr John Wise – the Deputy Director for Security Assistance and Mr Keith Bernard, Chairman of the Sri Lanka Ports Authority.
The communications workshop is of great significance to the SLPA as they collaborate with both international and local experts. Ensuring clarity and precision within the team is crucial to enhance knowledge sharing and prevent redundancy. It is imperative to deliver clear messages and foster understanding among relevant parties. The workshop concluded on 28 March 2024, with an awards ceremony to celebrate the participants’ achievements.

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